
You can quickly signup on Pragmeo without requiring any credit card details.

Signup for Pragmeo

The following steps illustrate the procedure to signup on Pragmeo.

  1. Visit https://secure.pragmeo.net/signup.

  2. Enter First Name, Last Name and E-mail Address, and click Get Started.

  3. Enter a password for your account, and click Next.
    Password must be at least 6 characters long and contain upper and lower case characters.


The application helps you create a strong password by indicating with the help of colors.

Very Week Password
Week Password
Good Password

  1. Enter a valid CVR number and click VIRK.DK to fetch company data.
    Alternatively enter Company Name, Address, Country, Postal Code, City, and website address.

  2. Click Finish.
    You are redirected to home page of your new account, and a verification email is sent to your email address.